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29 November 2022

Gareth Dauncey

Managing mental health, with Gareth Dauncey

Gareth DaunceyArchitect and Founder of Mood
00:00 / 01:04

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In this personal and revealing interview, Gareth

  • Explains what Mood does and how he came to develop the app after difficult experiences with his mental health.

  • Talks about his positive experiences at Frazzled Café, a space set up by Ruby Wax for strangers to talk about their feelings, which led him to transform his mood tracker idea into an app.

  • Gives an insight into the process of developing the Mood app, including how one particular partnership encouraged him and supported him in areas he was previously unfamiliar with.

  • Highlights the positives of not overcomplicating things.

  • Describes some activities he finds helpful for positive mental health.

  • Shares some of the realisations he has come to in his struggle with his mental health.

  • Expresses the hopes he has for his app in helping others, and his ideas for how the app can de-stigmatise conversations around mental health.

Gareth Dauncey

Architect and Founder of Mood


2:03 - How mental health struggles led to the development of the Mood app.

6:28 - Positive experiences at the Frazzle Café.

16:05 - Insights into app development.

24:33 - Supportive partnerships.

25:55 - Keeping things simple.

30:03 - Activities helpful for mental health.

37:53 - Hopes for how Mood will help people.

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