30 December 2020

Exploring the power of sound, with Julian Treasure
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In addition, we discussed subjects including:
What is ‘the business of sound’ and how it can benefit businesses.
The importance of having a very clear purpose.
The challenges of offering a product or service that people don’t know they need.
How to build a successful business with a virtual team.
The difference between having faith in one’s business & knowing it’ll succeed.
Julian’s most important learnings from his long experience as an entrepreneur.
Julian Treasure
Founder of the Sound Agency
1:00 - Why sound in branding is key.
2:25 - The negatives of background music in commercial and public spaces.
6:05 - Positive experiences made possible by ‘soundscapes’.
9:35 - Conflicting reactions of people’s responses to sounds.
11:50 - Methods used by The Sound Agency to express a brand.
14:44 - Experiences with TED talks.
18:39 - Early business experiences.
21:35 - The origins of The Sound Agency.
29:35 - The challenges of selling a product that people don't realise they need.
32:26 - Sharing learnings.
35:50 - Tips for remote working.
44:58 - The invention of a new nature-based sound product for workspaces.