11 June 2024

Lights, camera, change the world with Ravinol Chambers
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In our fascinating interview, Ravinol:
Explains what Be Inspired Films is all about and the range of clients they work with.
Describes the experience of live streaming TEDxLondon talks.
Highlights how Be Inspired’s films are used in various ways for nonprofits and for profit-making businesses.
Shares his backstory, expanding on his various career choices and spending his twenties living as a monk.
Talks about how he became a filmmaker and how the Be Inspired business structure evolved.
Delves into the challenges of building a B Corp company culture, where there are more freelancers involved than employees.
Stresses the importance of hiring people with different personality types, and effective recruitment methods.
Ruminates on the ‘chicken and egg’ dilemma of not being sure when it’s the right time to grow your team.
Discusses the ways an entrepreneur can react to uncontrollable situations.
Ravinol Chambers
Founder of Be Inspired Films
1:18 – Our show’s sponsor, Magus Wealth.
2:07 – What Be Inspired Films is all about.
5:35 – How Be Inspired helps nonprofits and for-profit businesses.
8:00 – Delving into Ravinol’s back story.
14:00 – Transitioning into becoming a filmmaker.
18:12 – The logistics of evolving your business structure.
21:25 – Live streaming TEDxLondon talks.
28:07 – The challenges of building a B Corp company culture with freelancers.
36:40 – Dilemmas of delegating and knowing when to expand.
40:35 – Reacting to uncontrollable situations.