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What is a RealityCheck®?

A RealityCheck® is a comprehensive, detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Think of it as a business health check. One client called it “an MRI Scan for my business”. 

What's involved?

The process involves me, inter alia, interviewing a cross-section of your team, reviewing the organisation structure, the financials, tangible and intangible IP, and any other relevant information. 

Then I write a thorough report including detailed recommendations.

As an objective outsider, with an intuitive knack for picking up on nuance and relationship dynamics, I can detect and share invaluable insights to help harmony and growth to flourish in your business.

My own 40+ years of firsthand experience founding and growing five successful businesses nationally and internationally, which have generated over £250m worth of sales, plus helping over 1,000 entrepreneurs successfully grow and run theirs, plays a hugely significant role in the support and insights I am able to give my clients.

I divide my report between the three key areas that every business shares: Strategy, Revenue and Infrastructure.

Strategy – focusing on building long-term shareholder value. It includes functions that increase the Multiple (Value = Profit x Multiple).

Revenue – the revenue generating part of the business, including the design of operating systems for managing clients’ expectations and outcomes.

Infrastructure – the ‘back office’ that supports your business, i.e. process efficiencies, staff productivity and effective resource allocation.

Why is a business health check valuable?

Knowledge is power. Uncovering, identifying and understanding your business from a fresh, objective point of view enables you to improve and develop where you need to, so you can maximise your business’s potential.

Your RealityCheck® report can be used as the first step in a coaching, consulting and/or mentoring working relationship.

It can also be used as a standalone report and recommendations, which you can implement internally.

​How much does a RealityCheck® business health check cost?

Investment-wise, this is categorised as a fixed-fee project. Fees will depend on the number of people interviewed and the level of detail required. 

Paul & Kim Bibby.jpeg
Paul Bibby
Managing Director, Plantexpand

"I’d been running my business for 25 years and it was time to sell. Alan started by conducting a RealityCheck®, which was very valuable. Then we worked with him for two years to get the business ready. He not only identified a hidden asset in the business, but he helped us sell it for more than we ever imagined. He has helped us to understand the value of our business and its added value to our clients, as well as the financial value. I’m so grateful to him for what he’s done for us."

Client Story

Lost mojo

A 25 year old contract hire business was stuck in terms of sales and profits. The founder had ‘lost their mojo’, and the business was in danger of going into decline. After conducting a RealityCheck® and commissioning market and competitor research, I recommended a series of projects including creating a new vision for the company to revitalise the founder and the team, revising the organisational structure, and carrying out a brand repositioning project. The company has since turned the corner and is growing well.

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