Business Advice & Consultancy
What is Business Consulting?
Business Consulting provides expert advice to entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and executives, helping them to achieve their goals and overcome any challenges they may be facing.
This can relate to any aspect of business, for example culture, vision, products / services, positioning, channels to market, exiting, succession planning, operations and so on.
These services are often provided by experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the business world and the strategies that can help businesses succeed.
Business advice and consulting can be highly valuable for businesses of all shapes, sizes and industries.
A key difference between coaching and consulting is that a consultant is usually hired on a project basis, to achieve a specific goal and deliver a solution to a client’s problem, whereas coaching is generally focused on further developing clients’ capabilities.
Although the client will play a fundamental role in the scope of the work, they are paying for the consultant’s expertise to ‘get the job done’.
Here is a diagram that illustrates the key differences between coaching, consulting and mentoring:

What are the benefits of Business Advice & Consultancy?
Key benefits of engaging a business consultant like me is that not only am I able to help businesses steer through challenges they may be facing, but also I can help businesses identify new opportunities for growth and expansion. This can include opportunities related to new markets, new products or services, and more. I am also able to identify hidden assets, for example IP that’s been developed internally and may not be recognised on the Balance Sheet as an intangible asset.
By working with a consultant or adviser, businesses can develop a plan to take advantage of these opportunities and achieve their growth objectives.
Another benefit of business advice and consulting is that it can provide businesses with instant access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Consultants and advisers often have years of experience working in the business world, and they can bring this experience to bear on the challenges facing their clients. This can provide businesses with a new perspective and a fresh set of ideas for addressing their challenges and achieving their goals.
It can also accelerate the business’s progress, as it’s a lot quicker to invest in an injection of ready-made expertise, than it is for the business to find their own way.
My own 40+ years of firsthand experience founding and growing five successful businesses nationally and internationally, which have generated over £250m worth of sales, plus helping over 1,000 entrepreneurs successfully grow and run theirs, plays a hugely significant role in the support and insights I am able to give my clients.
Business advice and consulting can also be valuable for businesses that are looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. By working with a business consultant, businesses can identify areas where they can reduce costs, improve processes, and enhance their overall productivity.

Julian Treasure
Founder, The Sound Agency
"Alan is a brilliant business consultant. Alan changed the way we look at the world. He has helped us see things differently from the outside in, and evaluate our internal environment with a fresh perspective, so we’ve been able to restructure effectively. Alan helps people to understand their own businesses better than they could before, and he has helped transform ours. I'm at least 50% more effective as a result."
Client Story
A leading video production company with household name clients had become 'stuck in a wall'. Turnover and profits had remained the same for a number of years. I carried out a RealityCheck® and helped the CEO develop a strategy to drive the business 'through the wall'. The company went on to grow substantially over many years.
How does Business Advice & Consultancy work?
When you are looking for business advice and consulting services, it is important to select a consultant or adviser who has a track record of success and a proven methodology for achieving results.
Here’s a whistle stop tour of my own business journey, the experiences from which I bring to the table for my clients.
There is a lot of smoke and mirrors in this industry and you need to carry out due diligence so you can make an informed decision about whose services you choose to invest in.
One of the key components of business advice and consulting is the development of a customised plan for addressing the challenges facing the business. This plan will be tailored to the unique needs and objectives of the business, and it will be designed to help the business achieve its goals in the most effective way possible. The plan will typically include a range of strategies and tactics, covering the key aspects of the business.
In addition to developing a plan, business advice and consulting services can also provide ongoing support and guidance to businesses as they work to implement their plan. This can include regular check-ins, progress reports, and support in addressing any challenges or roadblocks that may arise during the implementation process.
In Summary
By collaborating with an experienced consultant who understands your objectives and brings relevant expertise, businesses of all sizes and industries can unlock new opportunities, improve performance, and confidently work toward their goals. Selecting a consultant who is skilled, experienced and committed to working closely with your team is essential to maximising the benefits of these services.

Darrel Sheinman
Founder/Producer, Gearbox Records
"I needed help with development of funding plans and projections. Working with Alan enabled us to successfully raise the funds required. He also guided me on who and where we should go for the funding, and how we should approach it politically. Alan is an unusual combination of being both analytical and creative. He has a holistic and distinct approach. Alan is very good! He's a solid chap, funny and listens."
Client Story
First Round Funding
An early-stage SaaS (Software as a Service) business was ready for first round funding. I supported the business by advising on the creation of its first Investment Memorandum, including clarifying its proposition and explaining what was required from potential investors’ points of view. This resulted in a crowdfunding round which beat its targets. The company is continuing to grow significantly, disrupting the sector in which it operates.